Rookie Infographic Maker

Working on my first Infographic for a leadership presentation. How can I make this better?


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  1. Joel

     /  August 5, 2012

    Good so far. What are the footsteps, part of a bigger theme? They’re a bit distracting. What’s he correlation between the number of school/student icons and the numbers? Is it the size of that space? Why not make it a 1:1 representation? Also, curious what program you’re using, I’m a big Inkscape fan.

  2. Angana Ghate

     /  September 27, 2012

    Like it! Here is a link to one my students did last year, just first try and a little stuck myself how to get them ‘there’ as its not quite there yet……would love to hear what you think? You can tweet me…@anganaghate – the link is


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